15 ani
2020 la Galeria Noua ± 15 years 2020 at Galeria Noua PROGRAM // PERFORMANCE // CALL FOR STICKERS // IMAGES
Vernisaj 18. 05. 2005, ora 18.00 Colectivul 2020 a declansat in ultimii doi ani o serie de actiuni aspura scenei de arta contemporana din Romania. Telul final al organizatiei 2020 este sa pregateasca marea revolutie culturala din anul 2020. La 15 ani de la evenimentele din 1989/1990 si cu 15 ani inainte de anul 2020, Galeria Noua provoaca platforma 2020 sa se desfasoare in downtown Bucuresti. Timp de 3 saptamani, 2020 va transforma spatiul galeriei intr-un laborator unde vor avea loc dezbateri, prezentari, schimburi de informatie, si ateliere pe subiecte care reunesc interesele 2020: arta contemporana, arta in spatiul public, metode alternative de comunicare, sisteme de auto-organizare, metode de rezistenta, metode de selfpublishing si distributie alternativa in editare de reviste si muzica. 2020 collective started up during the last two years with a series of events which have affected the contemporary art scene in Romania. The final goal of 2020 is to prepare the great cultural revolution in the year 2020 in Romania. 15 years after the events of 1989/1990 and fifteen years before the year 2020, Galeria Noua has challenged 2020 to show itself in downtown Bucharest. During three weeks 2020 will transform the gallery into a laboratory for debates, presentations, workshops on the issues which embody the interests of 2020: contemporary arts and culture, art in public space, alternative means of communication, systems of self-organisation, methods of resistance and self publishing methods for music and magazines. ± 15 ani / 2020 la Galeria Noua
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